Information and Resources

Dog Training Information and Resources - Simple Dog Tips


Simple Dog Tips

Colorado Top Dog helps clients with information and resources concerning the world of dogs. We also assist clients in purchasing equipment for their dog or puppy. If you have any questions, contact us.

Winter Activities for Dogs


  1. Basic Walks – Dogs enjoy getting out of the house for their walks. Continue taking them on walks around Denver. My favorite time to walk dogs is right after a snowstorm.
  2. Dog Training – Now is an excellent time to brush up on your positive reinforcement dog training in the house. Add a nightly session and keep it fun and short.
  3. Retrieving – Find a space in Denver without ice and choose the best weather of the day. Avoid playing retrieve when icy conditions exist.
  4. Snow Sports – Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are the ultimate winter conditioning activities for athletic dogs in the Denver area and keep your dog in top shape. Make sure to bring dog treats to aid their recovery during and after heavy exercise.


  1. Exposure – Please protect your dog from the elements when below-freezing conditions exist. Most dogs are incapable of withstanding freezing temperatures for long periods.
  2. Dog Gear – Dog booties protect your dog’s paws during winter activities, especially in cold conditions. Short-coated dogs may require a dog coat when out for extended periods.
  3. Pack Fresh Water – Keep your pup from eating the snow and getting sick.
  4. Raw Dog Food Seasonal Changes – Remember to feed raw dog food appropriately for the season. Also, match the feed amount to the activity level you maintain through the winter months.
Information and Resources

Colorado Top Dog

Raw Dog Food Seasonal Changes

I begin watching my dog’s weight in the fall to avoid overfeeding during lower activity months. Generally, my female Calypso drops from 25 oz per day to approximately 20 oz per day of raw dog food. Of course, not every dog has the same activity level as her, but less is more for keeping her in top shape. Remember, young dogs need lots of food while they grow. Most veterinarians have scales readily available should you need to weigh your dog instead of guessing. Follow us for more tips about dog gear and dog training. Also, don’t forget the client photos and the Colorado Top Dog family on our website.

Information and Resources

Colorado Top Dog

Escape/Avoidance Dog Training

Escape/Avoidance is a form of aversive conditioning. Easier understood as the avoidance of stimuli. Anyone offering balanced dog training is suggesting the equipment that reinforces this method. There is no in-between. If you have completed all foundation obedience and developed a strong relationship with your animal, introducing equipment would make sense. You must start there if you haven’t developed a solid, proper behavior and management foundation. Call Colorado Top Dog @ 720-272-7852 to get your dog’s adequate training foundation. If you have learned the appropriate methodology and understand formal positive reinforcement obedience training, this equipment would come far down the road from the initial interaction with your new dog trainer. We should be friendly to dogs. Here’s Gryppe, the machine. I’d like to see another dog in Colorado with these abilities; he was terrific.

Information and Resources

Colorado Top Dog

Information and Resources

Colorado Top Dog

Thanksgiving Tips

  • Give your dog a safe space to escape heavy activity in your house with family and friends coming for Thanksgiving. A bedroom, dog crate, or kennel is excellent if your dog needs space away.
  • Know your 24-hour Veterinarian’s Emergency Contact Information.
  • Look to our blog for further resources and information.
  • People food to avoid feeding your pet includes Alcohol, Avocado, Bones (cooked), Chives, Chocolate, Coffee,  Caffeine, Citrus, Coconut, Coconut Oil, Dairy, Garlic, Grapes, Raisins, Macadamia Nuts, Milk, Nuts, Onions, Salt, Salty Snack Foods, Xylitol, and Yeast Dough. Instead, giving your dog a pet treat during your Thanksgiving meal is wise. This will keep them focused on their feast and reward them for proper behavior.
  • Remove trash and uneaten food from the dog’s ability to scavenge. Your best option is behind a closed door or outside in a trash bin.
Information and Resources

Colorado Top Dog

Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

As a balanced dog training company, Colorado Top Dog believes positive dog training using treats and toys is a great way to build a relationship with your dog. It’s also helpful for shaping desired behaviors. Any other foundation training may leave a dog confused. Unfortunately, positive dog training is not enough.  Eventually, you’ll need to build boundaries and teach no. Skipping this step would develop problems that require behavior modification. Get your dog training questions answered by the most sought-after company in Colorado, Colorado Top Dog. Signing up for our in-home or online consultation is the first step toward success. Our consultants will evaluate your current situation and help us understand how much assistance you will need.

Information and Resources

Colorado Top Dog

Veteran’s Day

Thank You, Veterans. You’re forever appreciated. As always, a big shout out to Kendell Madden. Yesterday, he ran in the 13th annual Special Ops Forces Run on MacDill AFB, Operation One Voice. This guy is always doing positive things and could use your help and support! More information and resources will be available soon.

Information and Resources

Colorado Top Dog

Dog Booties

These are the best dog booties I’ve used. Order these dog booties from our information and resources if you get nothing else. Protect your dog’s feet from cactus, rocks, and rough terrain. They are easy to order, fit great, and have various color options.

Information and Resources

Colorado Top Dog

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